IWB Resources

Coventry Numeracy Resources - Problem Solving Activities Index


Areas covered

Guess the number

1 step


2 steps

- add and subtract facts to 10, 20, 50, 100
- doubles and halves to 10, 15, 20, 50, 100
- x2/10, x2/5,/10, x2/3/4/5/10, x2/3/4/5/6/8/10, 10x10

- add / subtract up to 10 and times
- add / subtract and double / halve
- add / subtract TU and times

Thinking of a number

use the clues to work out the number to 10, 25, 100

Thinking of a number input - 100

use the clues to work out the number between 1 and 100 input your answer to see if you are right

Wizards Number

remember the clues and work out the number between 1 and 100

Wizards number 1000

remember the clues and work out the number less than 1000

Magic Squares

Make magic squares with a magic total of 15, random value or own value

PS bag of sweets

List all possibilities to solve the problem (2, 3, 4, 5 times table)

PS Lollypop coins

Find all the possibilities of paying for a lollypop, cost up to 10p
Based on Year 1 NNS problem

PS make numbers

Make all 2 digit numbers from 3 or 4 cards
Make all 3 digit numbers from 3 cards
Make 3 digit numbers that fit a given criteria

PS spaceship

List all possibilities to solve the problem (2, 3 times table)
Based on Year 3/4 NNS bipods and tripods problem

PS toy shop

List all possibilities to solve the problem (2, 3, 5 times table)
Based on Year 1/2 NNS problem