IWB Resources

Coventry Numeracy Resources - Calculations Index


Areas covered

Add Expand

TU + TU, TU + TU + TU, HTU + HTU, HTU + HTU + HTU, ThHTU + ThHTU, ThHTU + ThHTU + ThHTU, TU.th + TU.th, TU.th + TU.th + TU.th

Add horizontal - PV cards

Using place value cards to mentally add 2 numbers  TU + TU, HTU + HTU

Add Vertical Expanded - PV cards

Expanded addition using place value cards TU + TU, HTU + HTU

Calculation - rods and coins

Tens and units for place value
Use rods / coins to mentally add / subtract 2 numbers
U + U, TU + TU TU - TU


Calculation adapted from TU ¸ U to ThHTU ¸ TU - can take up to 4 stages


HTU ? HTU, ThHTU ? ThHTU TU.t ? TU.t TU.th ? TU.th

Subtract - Number Line

Use the number line to show the jumps on the number line 1 to 10, 1 to 20, across 10, across a multiple of 10, 
TU-TU, HTU-HTU, ThHTU-ThHTU U.t-U.t, TU.t-TU.t, U.th-U.th

Subtract horizontal - PV cards

Using place value cards to mentally subtract 2 numbers

What's wrong?

Spot the calculation mistake within each example of the grid method shown.