IWB Resources

Coventry Numeracy Resources - Bingo Index


Areas covered

add several numbers

Addition of U + U + U
Addition of 1U + U + U
Addition of T0 + T0 = T0
Addition of TU + TU + TU
Addition of 0.t + 0.t + 0.t
Addition of U.t + U.t + U.t
Addition within 10
Addition within 20
Addition of U + U
Addition of TU + U
Addition of 10 + T0
Addition of TU + TU
Addition of HT0 + T0
Addition of U.t +U.t
Addition of HTU + U
Addition of TU + T0
Addition of T0 + T0
4x4 grid with spaces labelled A to D and 1 to 4
4x4 grid with lines labelled 0 to 4
4x4 grid with lines labelled -2 to 2 and 0 to 4


counting in ones
counting in twos
counting in fives
counting in tens
counting in 1ps
counting in 2ps
counting in 5ps
counting in 10ps
crossing the 10s boundary (50)
crossing the 10s boundary (100)
crossing the 100s boundary
crossing the 1000s boundary
doubles to 10, 15, 20, 50, 100 doubles to multiples of 5, 10 1d.p
halves to 10, 15, 20, 50, 100
halves to multiples of 5, 10 1d.p


match fraction to image
match fraction to equivalent image
match equivalent fraction
change improper fractions
match fraction to decimal
fractions of amounts - linked to tables facts (amount is a multiple of denominator)
fractions of quantities - cm g ml

make amounts

make 1 ? 1 decimal place
make 10
make 10 ? 1 decimal place
make 10 ? 2 decimal place
make 20
make 100
make 100 ? using multiples of 10
make 100 ? using multiples of 5

more & less

1 more or less within 10
1 more or less / 10 more or less within 20
1 more or less / 10 more or less with TU
1 more or less / 10 more or less with HTU


any times table
any division table
random multiplication facts with 10x10
random division facts
next 10 ? TU, HTU
next 100 ? ThHTU
next 1 ? 1 & 2 dp.
How many to next 10? ? TU, HTU
How many to next 100? ? ThHTU
How many to next 1? ? U.t

number words

to 10
to 20
to 100
multiples of 10 to 100

place value


read scales

every division labelled - multiples of 1, 2, 5, 10, 0.1, 0.5
every other division labelled - multiples of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5
every 4th division labelled - multiples of 10, 25, 50, 2.5, 0.5


Remainders from division facts within 10x10


Numbers to 100 to the nearest 10
Numbers to 1000 to the nearest 10
Numbers to 1000 to the nearest 100
Decimals within 10 to nearest 1


U-U, within 20
T0-U, H00-U, Th000-U
TU-10, HTU-10, HTU-100
count the tens rods and the units
count the10ps and 1ps

times & divide by 10 & 100

times and divide numbers within 1000 by 10
times and divide numbers within 10000 by 10 or 100
times and divide numbers / decimals by 10 or 100